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The smartest way to migrate your data

New Zealands Number 1 Data moving experts!
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Moving Data Everywhere

Efficient Data Transfer

Our state-of-the-art technologies and techniques ensure that your data is transferred quickly and accurately to the new platform.

Data Security and Privacy

Our advanced encryption and data protection processes ensure that all data being moved is secure and complies with privacy regulations.

Expert Support

Our team of experts is available to assist you every step of the way, from planning to execution, to ensure a successful data migration.

Who are we


Moving to the Cloud

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Data migration to the cloud is becoming increasingly popular for businesses looking to take advantage of the benefits of cloud computing. Whether you choose AWS, Azure or another alternative, you can rely on Data Moving to ensure a smooth and seamless migration process.

Moving to Xero or MYOB

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Are you ready to take your financial operations to the next level by moving to Xero or MYOB? Look no further than Data Moving! Our team of experts is specifically trained to handle the complex process of migrating data to either platform, ensuring a seamless transition and minimizing downtime for your business.

Mark Bond

"The smart choice in 
Data Migration"

"We have been working with Data Moving for over a year now, and they have consistently exceeded our expectations. Their team is always up-to-date on the latest technologies and techniques, ensuring that our data migrations are always completed quickly and securely. We have complete trust in their ability to handle even the most complex data migration projects, and would highly recommend them to any business in need of top-notch data migration services."
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